Foundations Course:

"Walking in the Footsteps of the Buddha" Segments 3&4

Wednesdays (7-9 pm) Mount Kisco, Winter Jan-April 2018

A Series of Courses on the Fundamentals of Buddhist Meditation and Insight as presented by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

The Center for Health and Healing, 4 Smith Avenue, Second Floor, Mount Kisco, NY 10549.  See below for directions

12 Classes offered in Two 6 Class Segments

Led by WBC Senior Teacher Derek Kolleeny & John Baker

Join us for our continuing step-by-step exploration of the authentic path of Buddhist mindfulness-awareness meditation and insight, as presented by and made relevant for our contemporary lives by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. This series is recommended for both beginning and returning meditators and each segment is meant to both stand alone, accessible to new-comers or drop-ins, as well as present a progressive journey.

This segment is about the transition from the Hinayana, or the Foundational Path, which is focused on training one’s own mind, to the Mahayana, or the Vast Path. This is the path of the so-called “Bodhisattvas”— those who constantly strive to transform their own minds, in order to transform the entire world.



View the syllabus for Segment 3

View the syllabus for Segment 4


Segment Three:

“Suffering, Ego and the Path of Insight” 

Segment Four:

“Discovering Enlightened Genes”