Mind, Meditation, and the Path of Transformation
Sundays (12:23-2:30 pm)
EFHQ Irvington, June-July 2018
With John Baker and Derek Kolleeny
In his excellent book, Our Pristine Mind, Khenpo Orgyen Chowang presents the core Dzogchen (Great Perfection) Buddhist teachings in highly accessible Western idiom, making them understandable and accessible to the beginning as well as the advanced practitioner.
The course will offer participants an excellent understanding of the nature of confusion and sanity. It will also provide an understanding of the two basic approaches to meditation and how to employ them, the opportunities one enjoys on the path as well asthe challenges all of us face and why.
We will work through Khenpo Chowang’s book, supplementing it with readings by other Tibetan masters, such as Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, and more.
Topics that will be covered:
- The real, fundamental nature of mind;
- It’s division into “pristine” and “ordinary” mind, how to understand these two, and what distinguishes one from the other;
- The meditation practices and their benefits, ranging from simple calming and stress reduction, to full enlightenment, seeing and understanding the world as it truly is, stripped of confusion, bias and preconception;
- The essential roles of kindness, compassion, love, and lack of bias on the path; and
- The ability to live an ultimately happy, fulfilling life and experience a good death.
In some cases a guided meditation is offered separately with a given class, (with the same class number).