Radically Happy

An Evening Talk with Erric Solomon and Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche

September 7th, 2016 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm

The Helen Mills Theater, 137-139 West 26th Street, NY


Erric Solomon and Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche

From time to time we would like to bring events to your attention that we are not directly involved in, but are unique events with teachers with whom we have a deep connection, events that may not be well publicized, events that may have limited space and will soon fill up. There is one such event coming up on September 7th that we would like to let you know about and encourage you to consider attending. It is a public talk by Kyabgon Phakchok Rinpoche, a wonderful Tibetan teacher whom we have hosted in the past and with whom we have a deep connection, and Erric Solomon. Below is the information on this talk in NYC and a link to the website to purchase tickets.


Everyone wants to be happy and live a meaningful life, yet the way we usually go about it can only bring a very temporary happiness at best and, at worst, leads to extreme dissatisfaction and suffering. By making a slight but radical shift in the way we live our lives, a subtle sense of satisfaction and well-being can be ours even when things really aren't working out. Most of us look for happiness in circumstances and possessions, yet both the world's great contemplative traditions and modern science tell us that circumstances contribute very little to our sense of contentment. The root of happiness is not to be found in our circumstances but in how we relate to them.

It's true that Buddhism speaks mostly about enlightenment. But without a solid foundation of contentment, basic sanity, and a decent self-image, you can't flourish in life either as a spiritual practitioner or as a practitioner of daily life. Not everyone wants to become a Buddhist, but doesn't everyone want to be able to flourish and enjoy what life has to offer? We all want to be able to cope, without totally losing it when things don't work out. And that last point is the heart of what Radical Happiness really is. It's a subtle sense of well-being we can always access, especially when things are not so great.

This talk is a unique collaboration between our two speakers, Phakchok Rinpoche, a Tibetan Buddhist Teacher, and Erric Solomon, a former Silicon Valley executive. From their personal experience both as happiness practitioners and teachers, this seminar will benefit anyone who is struggling to keep a balance in life between work and family, coping with the fast pace of daily life, a career, and at the same time, aspiring to flourish and grow: intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.

You can find more information at www.RadicallyHappy.org


AuthorWestchester BuddhistCenter