We hope you will join us on retreat this winter! It would offer you an opportunity to be as present as you can be for your mind and life, and provide a wonderful chance to benefit yourself as well as others.

An Exploration of the Depth and Variety of Meditation Experience

The Westchester Buddhist Center’s Fifth Annual Retreat

February 10-17th 2017 at Garrison Institute

Click here to register

This year’s retreat will focus on the dynamics of meditation practice – what it is, what are its main varieties, how each of them functions and how each can serve as a means for understanding and transforming our minds. To do this, we will spend some time each day exploring one of a range of traditional meditation practices, examining how each has its own particular flavor and function. At the same time, we will maintain continuity and develop depth in our practice by focusing most of the day on our own traditional technique. Learn more

AuthorWestchester BuddhistCenter